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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Establishing Laboratory of Advanced Materials at the Comenius University

Descripción del proyecto

La Universidad de Comenius toma la delantera con su nuevo Laboratorio de Materiales Avanzados

La Universidad Comenius (CU, por su siglas en inglés) en Bratislava es una de las mejores universidades eslovacas, pero la falta de financiación ha limitado su capacidad de explotar su potencial, como atestiguan sus resultados en relación con otras universidades de la Unión Europea. Esto repercute a su vez en su capacidad para atraer investigadores de prestigio mundial. El proyecto LAMatCU, financiado con fondos europeos, aborda este problema mediante la creación del Laboratorio de Materiales Avanzados de investigación interdisciplinaria y de talla mundial en la CU. Dicho laboratorio se centrará en ámbitos como la conversión y el almacenamiento de energía, la electrónica y la optoelectrónica. El laboratorio estará dirigido por un científico de prestigio internacional, un titular de cátedra del Espacio Europeo de Investigación, para reforzar la posición de la CU en Eslovaquia y Europa, al tiempo que mejora su contribución a la investigación y el desarrollo de materiales avanzados.


The key objective of this proposal is to establish a new Laboratory for Advanced Materials (LAM) at Comenius University (CU) under the direction of the appointed ERA Chair holder. LAM is meant to be a world-class research interdisciplinary laboratory focused on advanced materials research, particularly for applications in the areas such as energy conversion and storage, electronics, and optoelectronics. Existence of LAM will:
- strengthen the potential and the contribution of CU to this area of research in the wider ERA in tight connection to the central idea of the Work Programme - Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation
- help counteracting the eminent brain drain Slovakia is experiencing by attracting brilliant young researchers from both Slovakia and abroad
- consequently strengthen the position of CU as a leading research and educational institution in Slovakia as well as raise its significance in Europe

The structure and management of LAM is designed to ensure its future self-sustainability and continuity of its research. Project funds will be utilized in establishing LAM and maintaining LAM's initial operation period, during which following actions will be taken to secure future financial sustainability:
- top-quality research personnel will be recruited bringing in international scientific collaborations
- external collaborations with the industry will be actively sought
- opportunities to utilize research outputs as intellectual property and patents will be exploited
- research grants connected to the area of research interests will be applied for
- public outreach activities will be focused on stimulating interest and engagement among students
Within this scheme, the project funding will serve as the initial kick-start of a new internationally acclaimed prime research facility (LAM), activating the whole field of materials research at CU, thus having a positive long-term effect on the status of research excellence in Slovakia as well.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

CSA - Coordination and support action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 2 496 750,00
814 99 Bratislava

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Slovensko Bratislavský kraj Bratislavský kraj
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 2 496 750,00