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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Multi-layered Security technologies to ensure hyper connected smart cities with Blockchain, BigData, Cloud and IoT

Description du projet

Une nouvelle ère de connectivité et de services

Les architectures IdO traditionnelles centrées sur la convergence IdO/cloud présentent des limites lorsqu’il s’agit de prendre en charge diverses applications et modèles commerciaux. Dans ce contexte, le projet M-Sec financé par l’UE proposera un paradigme fortement décentralisé, qui permettra aux acteurs de l’IdO de développer, de déployer et d’exploiter des applications innovantes. M-Sec se concentrera sur les interactions sémantiquement interopérables entre les objets et les personnes, en favorisant les échanges entre pairs au-delà du simple partage d’informations. Les principaux résultats du projet consisteront notamment en une infrastructure IdO robuste et fiable, un marché IdO ouvert pour l’échange de valeur, un écosystème durable pour les parties prenantes et un modèle reproductible garantissant un retour sur investissement. Grâce à M-Sec, les villes intelligentes pourront prospérer et s’ouvrir à une nouvelle ère de connectivité et de services.


IoT systems today tend to be built around the concept of IoT/cloud convergence, integrating heterogeneous data streams within cloud infrastructures, and thus benefiting from the scalability, performance and capacity of the cloud. This approach is very efficient for some IoT applications such as big data processing problems. However, these architectures promote a centralized data collection and processing approach, which introduces several limitations in terms of supported applications and business models that they enable.
The main goal of M-Sec project is to empower IoT stakeholders to develop, deploy and operate novel IoT applications based on a scalable highly decentralized paradigm, which facilitates incentivized peer-to-peer interactions between objects and people. The project will explore semantically interoperable interactions between people/objects according to a given social context, beyond their simple peer-to-peer information exchange and internetworking. Overall, the M-Sec paradigm will enable the introduction and implementation of specific classes of applications and services that are not efficiently supported by state-of-the-art architectures.
The M-Sec project will deliver a set of concrete and added value main results:
1. M-Sec distributed, self-organized, robust and trusted IoT infrastructure that empowers IoT stakeholders to develop, deploy and operate novel multipurpose IoT applications for smart cities on top of smart objects.
2. An open IoT market of applications, data and services that provides the framework upon which objects and people can exchange value and defines the motivation incentives for humans and smart objects to interact.
3. A sustainable ecosystem of stakeholders, roles, tools and infrastructures upon which new entrants and other players can build and experiment with the future application services.
4. A parameterized model on how to replicate the M-Sec approach further and guarantee its return of investment and benefits.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 358 750,00
28037 MADRID

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Comunidad de Madrid Comunidad de Madrid Madrid
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 358 750,00

Participants (5)