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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-06-18

Strategic Targets for 2020 - Collaboration Initiative on Biorefineries


For the first time in Europe a real critical mass along the whole value-chain, and in all aspects of the biorefinery concept, will be achieved by the close collaboration of five industry-driven European Technology Platforms, five excellent research partners with complementary expertise, and the International Civil Society Organisation IUCN, who will validate the impact on the global sustainability of the results. The collaboration in this Coordination and Support Action is called Star-COLIBRI, and its main objectives are to promote coordination and work to overcome fragmentation in the field of biorefineries research; to facilitate information exchange and cross-fertilization; to support break-through innovations by speeding up and facilitate industrial exploitation of research results. The Star-COLIBRI project will accomplish these targets by working in two parallel but mutually dependant processes: The first process has longer term objectives and it will provide a framework for collaborations and information exchange, common vision and a roadmap for 2020. It will also directly contribute to policy initiatives such as the European Lead Market Initiative on Bio-Based Products. The second process has shorter term objectives and aims to the immediate support and coordination of ongoing biorefinery research projects with potential high impact. The new strategy developed for this is called StarClustering. Better coordination of national research funding through an ERA-Net Liaisons Office will also be achieved.

Convocatoria de propuestas

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European Confederation of Woodworking Industries aisbl
Aportación de la UE
€ 141 960,00
Rue Montoyer 24
B-1000 Bruxelles

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Tipo de actividad
Contacto administrativo
Filip De Jaeger (Mr.)
Coste total
Sin datos

Participantes (10)