EMEA updates its catalogue of public documents
The European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA) has recently published an update to its catalogue of public documents, which is available via its webservice at: URL: http://www.eudra.org/whatsnew.htm The EMEA has also made available a number of other texts of interest to the medical research community. These include: - Preliminary EU recommendations for influenza-vaccine composition for the season 1999 to 2000; - Notes for guidance on specifications: Test procedures and acceptance criteria for biotechnology/biological products; - Draft guidelines for development pharmaceutics for biotechnological and biological products; - Explanatory notes on expiry dates of products incorporating plasma-derived products as stabilisers or excipients; - Guidelines for the efficacy of Anthelmintics: Specific recommendations for Bovines, Ovines, and Caprines; - Guidelines for the conduct of pharmacokinetic studies in animals.