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Content archived on 2022-12-02

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Parliament backs Slovenia's access to education and training schemes

The European Parliament meeting in Strasbourg approved, with a number of amendments, the European Commission Proposal, within the framework of the pre-accession strategy, to extend European Community (EC) programmes in the fields of education, training and youth to Slovenia fo...

The European Parliament meeting in Strasbourg approved, with a number of amendments, the European Commission Proposal, within the framework of the pre-accession strategy, to extend European Community (EC) programmes in the fields of education, training and youth to Slovenia for 1999. The draft decision of the EC-Slovenia Association Council laid down the terms and conditions for the participation of this country in Community programmes in the fields of training, education and youth (LEONARDO DA VINCI, SOCRATES and Youth for Europe). Among other things, Slovenia will: - Participate in all actions of these programmes, on the same footing as the Member States of the Community, and in conformity with the objectives, criteria and procedures set up by these programmes; - Apply the same conditions and clauses for presentation, evaluation and selection of applications as those applied by the Member States; - Provide for a minimum number of partners for EC Member States for all transnational projects it proposes; - Set up or make available the national structures and mechanisms required for its participation; - Facilitate free movement and residence of students, teachers and administrative staff travelling between Slovenia and the Member States for the purpose of taking part in these programmes; - Pay a financial contribution to the budget of the Community to cover the subsidies or any other financial support from the programmes to Slovenian participants, the financial support to the functioning of the national agencies and supplementary and administrative costs related to the management of the programmes by the Commission.



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