Commission looks for experts to monitor FP5 programmes
The European Commission, DG XII, is looking for independent experts to participate in the annual monitoring exercises for the Fifth Framework Programme, the Euratom Framework Programme, and their component specific programmes. Responses to this call will be used to establish a list of suitable experts who may be called to participate in annual monitoring exercises (2000-2003)throughout the period of the Fifth Framework Programme. The Decisions concerning the Framework Programmes state that the Commission is continually and systematically to monitor, with the help of independent and qualified experts, implementation of the Framework Programmes and their specific programmes: - Fifth Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration activities; -- Quality of life and management of living resources; -- User-friendly Information Society; -- Competitive and sustainable growth; -- Energy, environment and sustainable development; -- Confirming the international role of Community research; -- Promotion of innovation and encouragement of SME participation; -- Improving human research potential and socio-economic knowledge base. - Fifth Framework Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community for research and training activities; -- Nuclear energy. Successful applicants will assist the Commission, particularly in assessing progress on the programmes and whether their objectives, priorities and financial resources are still appropriate to any changes in the situation. These assessments could lead to proposals from the Commission to amend the Framework Programmes or their specific programmes. The list of experts may be used to set up other expert panels, in addition to the annual monitoring panels, in order to supplement the system for evaluating and monitoring the Framework Programmes, provided that the same criteria apply to the selection of experts. Applicants must provide evidence of their capacities in the field of one of the programmes concerned, and have held senior responsibility, in public or private sector. Additionally, they must demonstrate their capacity to consider scientific and technological prospects, on the basis of their experience, and to assess them in the light of Community policies and a very high level of competence in one or more of the following fields: - Research in the fields of science and technology of relevance to the programmes concerned, RTD management and the take-up of RTD results (experience acquired in a research centre, university, or firm, including small firms); - Formulation of RTD or innovation policies or strategies or of other policies relevant to the programmes in question; - Evaluation of RTD and analysis and interpretation of scientific and technological data; - Transfer of technology and use of RTD results; - International cooperation in the fields of science and technology. To ensure the impartiality of the monitoring exercises, applicants must not be, or have been at any stage of implementation of the Fifth Framework Programme, a contractor on a research project, a member of any committee set up for the specific programmes, or an expert associated with the work of one of these committees. Participants in previous exercises to monitor or evaluate the framework programmes or their specific programmes or to evaluate project proposals may also apply. Individual citizens of a Member State, of a state associated with the Framework Programme or of a state with which the EU has concluded a scientific and technical cooperation agreement may apply to monitor one or more specific programmes, or for overall monitoring of the framework programmes. Applications may be submitted by citizens of other states but will be utilised only in exceptional cases to meet specific needs. The Commission also accepts applications from scientific, trade, or industrial bodies, or organisations with a general interest, provided an individual person is proposed. Applications must be transmitted to the following address: By post: European Commission DG XII - Science, Research and Development Evaluation Unit (SDME 2/18) Rue de la Loi 200 B-1049 Brussels or by hand: European Commission DG XII/AP, SDME 2/18 Square de Meeûs 8 B-1050 Brussels Applications may also be submitted electronically to the following Web address: URL: