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Content archived on 2024-05-30

Supporting international mobility and training in Bizkaia

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Experienced scientific researchers to bring economic growth to Biscay

EU funding has enabled researchers in the Spanish province of Biscay to advance their research competences and overall professional development.

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The project B-MOB (Supporting international mobility and training in Bizkaia) was launched to administer a financial aid programme, promoted by bizkaia:talent, to attract experienced researchers (ERs) to Biscay and support their mobility and training. The overarching goal was to promote the development of research activities and the area's economic growth, and by extension, that of Europe. Three mobility schemes were offered through four calls – one each year of the project, through to June 2016. Mode 1 was for incoming mobility and reintegration. Mode 2 supported incoming mobility and reintegration for ERs with over 10 years' experience, and supported links with external collaborators initiating innovative projects in Bizkaia. Mode 3 was for outgoing mobility, supporting training for qualified people abroad, with a return phase to Bizkaia. B-MOB succeeded in attracting qualified researchers to the Biscay region. A total of 14 research grants were awarded for Mode 1, 47 for Mode 2 and 9 for Mode 3. For each year, funding corresponded to 19.8 fellow. Selected ERs, who were already developing their own projects in strategic research areas, were given the opportunity to continue their work in collaboration with Bizkaia-based research organisations. The outcomes have important implications and potential for regional researchers, companies and research organisations wishing to extend their international collaboration and networking. In this way, B-MOB contributed to the mission of bizkaia:talent to advance scientific excellence in the region and help in the development of competitive business opportunities internationally. Project efforts helped to increase research impact, diminish fragmentation and reinforce Bizkaia's scientific capacity. B-MOB thus boosted the knowledge and innovating ability of Biscayan researchers. The outcomes will contribute to economic growth in the region and also the European Research Area.


Experienced researchers, scientific excellence, economic growth, Biscay, B-MOB, international mobility

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