Environment DG seeks evaluation of noise computation methods
The European Commission's Environment DG has given prior information of a contract to revise and adapt the interim noise computation methods for the purpose of strategic noise mapping. The Directive on the Assessment and Management of Environmental Nose (END) aims to determine exposure to noise through 'strategic noise mapping', by using noise indicators and assessment methods common to Member States. In that context, the computation methods for road, rail and air traffic noise and for industrial noise are most important. Preceding the introduction of common methods based upon state-of-the-art in noise assessment methodology, Annex II.2 of the END provides provisional computation methods, called 'recommended interim methods', based on specific national or international existing methods. However, none of these methods is directly applicable for the purpose of strategic noise mapping because one or more of the requirements of the proposed regulation are not satisfied. Therefore, and with a view to publishing guidelines on revised methods applicable in all Member States of the EU for the purpose of the END, a call for tender for the revision and adaptation of the abovementioned interim methods is going to be issued, scheduled before the end of June 2001.