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Growth call for proposals announced

The European Commission has announced a call for proposals for indirect RTD actions under the specific programme for research, technological development and demonstration on Competitive and Sustainable Growth. The call relates to the following areas: - Key action: Sustainabl...

The European Commission has announced a call for proposals for indirect RTD actions under the specific programme for research, technological development and demonstration on Competitive and Sustainable Growth. The call relates to the following areas: - Key action: Sustainable mobility and intermodality (indicative budget 39 million euro deadline for receipt of proposals: 17 September 2001 at 5pm) Additional information to the revised work programme is available and downloadable for this Key Action from the Internet address below. RTD proposals may only address the Targeted Action on SMART RAIL (Single market for rail transport services) and the following priorities as described in the Work Programme and in the additional information to it: 2.1. Socio-economic scenarios for mobility of people and goods 2.2. Infrastructures and their interfaces with transport means and systems 2.3. Modal and intermodal transport management systems These actions respond to the strategy of the revised work programme based on the concentration of a substantial fraction of the key action activities around a core set of Targeted Actions which are designed to facilitate the emergence of solutions with a measurable impact, high profile and direct relevance to European citizens and policy objectives. In this context preference will be given to shared cost RTD proposals of outstanding quality that present cost-effective RTD arrangements for which a minimum EC funding of 1.5 million euros expected. An increased attention should be paid to the dissemination and exploitation of results by these large projects. Key action: land transport and marine technologies (indicative budget 98 million euro; deadline for receipt of proposals: 17 September 2001 at 5pm). All the research objectives in this Key Action are open for thematic networks and concerted actions only. RTD, demonstration and combined proposals may only address the following: Critical Technologies: 3.1. Critical technologies for road and rail transport 3.2.Critical marine technologies Technology Platforms: 3.3. TP1: New land transport vehicle concepts; enhanced systems efficiency 3.8. TP6: Efficient interoperability and transhipment Key action: New perspectives in aeronautics (indicative budget 4 million euro; deadline for receipt of proposals: 17 September 2001 at 5pm) The research objectives in this Key Action are open for thematic networks and concerted actions only. Generic activity measurements and testing (indicative budget 2 million euro; deadline for receipt of proposals: 17 September 2001 at 5pm). The research objectives in this Generic Activity are open for thematic networks and concerted actions only. For further information, please consult the following web address: or contact: European Commission Directorate-General Research - GROWTH June 2001 Fax +32-2-296 6757 E-mail: