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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Talents Up for an International House

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International research gets a boost

A fellowship programme was aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of the regional scientific system while internationalising human capital.

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The EU-funded project TALENTS UP (Talents up for an international house) was launched following the positive results of the fellowship programme TALENTS. In line with the principles of a long-term strategy for the internationalisation of human capital engaged in R&D activities, the project aimed at further developing the scientific system of the Italian border region Friuli Venezia Giulia. Seven incoming high-level fellowships were offered to the highest qualified researchers, independently of nationality, for the implementation of research training. Researchers could choose one of fifty-three among academic and scientific institutions and technological parks involved in the regional scientific network. The project's main goals were to offer grants and support to mobile researchers, to implement career opportunities and to promote research results. The actions developed contributed to strengthen ties between academia and industry, abroad and within the region. The 12-month research and training projects adopted a bottom-up approach whereby researchers were allowed to choose their topic, host institutions and how to spend financial resources allocated for their training needs. Proposals were evaluated by panels of experts, according to five scientific areas, in line with the principles of the “European Charter & Code for Researchers”. As a result, three of the seven researchers were hired by the host institutions, one researcher won a Marie Curie Individual fellowships while other three researchers continued their activity in other countries. A webpage has been dedicated to the programme, constantly implemented and updated with the realised fellowships. Due to a successful follow-up and good visibility, two other fellowship programmes were conducted with the financial contribution of the structural funds.


International research, fellowship programme, regional scientific centres, human capital, science and technology parks, mobility, researchers

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