ESA and Eurocontrol sign cooperation agreement
An agreement establishing a framework for cooperation and support in the field of space technology was signed between the European space agency (ESA) and Eurocontrol (European organisation for the safety of air navigation) in Brussels on 26 July. The five year renewable agreement was signed by ESA Director-General Antonio Rodotà and Eurocontrol Director-General Victor Aguado. Under the agreement, parties will exchange information regarding programmes and projects, research results and publications, and will coordinate research and development programmes, particularly in the areas of satellite navigation, telecommunications and the environment. Each party will bear the cost of activities, without the exchange of funds. The two organisations say that GNSS (global navigation satellite systems) will benefit from the agreement. ESA and Eurocontrol will exchange information and methodologies and share the results of research activities while working together in ongoing projects. A joint committee of ESA and Eurocontrol representatives will be responsible for the administration of the agreement and for ensuring its implementation by examining potential areas for concrete cooperation, evaluating ongoing activities and identifying specific action required.