EU gears up for World summit on sustainable development
Several measures pertaining to research will form part of the European Union's agenda at the forthcoming World summit on sustainable development taking place in Johannesburg, South Africa from 24 August to 4 September. On healthcare, the EU will be emphasising the need to combat the spread of communicable diseases, especially those such as HIV/Aids, malaria and tuberculosis, and inviting the international community to join research partnerships for research on new generation of products. The EU will also be placing emphasis on renewable energy sources, setting the target of these provide at least 15 per cent of primary energy by 2015. As well as this measure, which should help to alleviate poverty through the provision of more affordable energy, the EU would also like to see cleaner more efficient use of fossil fuels, through the use of better technologies. Sustainable consumption and production will also figure, with recommendations for eco-labelling and environmental impact assessments. And there will be a commitment to halt and reverse the current loss of natural resources and biodiversity by 2015. European Commission President Romano Prodi will be attending the event, as well as heads of state from all over the EU.