Europe and China join forces to enhance air quality
Detailed analyses and reliable predictions of regional air quality in Asia can be produced by combining space observations, in situ surface measurements and surface emissions of chemical pollutants with complex mathematical atmospheric composition models. These efforts should help environmental managers to take early and appropriate actions to avoid the occurrence of acute air pollution incidents. Thanks to the close cooperation of 14 prominent Chinese and European research institutions, the EU-funded PANDA (Partnership with China on space data) project worked towards understanding of the processes responsible for the formation, dispersion and destruction of air pollutants, and the improvement of air quality monitoring processes from space and Earth’s surface. To disseminate information and data to a broad community and the public, the PANDA team designed a toolbox for easy access to information in English and Chinese. It gathers available measurements and observations, emissions data and model data on atmospheric composition. The toolbox also offers tutorials to assist relevant stakeholders in the correct interpretation and use of data. Project partners also set up a system for the prediction of air quality in China that provides daily air pollution forecasts for 37 Chinese cities. Two summer schools were held in China and Europe to enhance knowledge transfer and cooperation. Universities arranged training courses with interdisciplinary lectures, practical work and field trips. The two courses attracted both early-stage and experienced researchers with a background in atmospheric chemistry or meteorology. A two-day workshop was organised in Beijing targeting companies and organisations interested in utilising the developed products, such as improved emissions inventories, the ensemble air quality forecast and regional high-resolution emissions inventories. PANDA has provided a significant basis for global and regional air quality analysis and forecasts. This should improve air quality management by Chinese regional and local authorities.
China, air quality, PANDA, space data