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Content archived on 2023-03-07

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Nowotny named as new ERC President

Austrian social scientist Professor Helga Nowotny has been named as the new President of the European Research Council (ERC) and Chair of the ERC Scientific Council. Professor Nowotny will take up her new role on 1 March. Professor Nowotny is currently Vice-President of the E...

Austrian social scientist Professor Helga Nowotny has been named as the new President of the European Research Council (ERC) and Chair of the ERC Scientific Council. Professor Nowotny will take up her new role on 1 March. Professor Nowotny is currently Vice-President of the ERC and Vice-Chair of its Scientific Council. Her colleagues on the Scientific Council, which is made up of eminent researchers from across Europe, unanimously elected her to her new post. 'I thank my colleagues from the ERC Scientific Council for their trust and I will pursue with vigour and endurance our common endeavour to make frontier research the dynamic element in confronting the challenges ahead,' she commented following her appointment. Helga Nowotny studied in Vienna (Austria) and New York (US) and has held posts in Vienna, Cambridge (UK), Bielefeld (Germany), Paris (France), Berlin (Germany), Budapest (Hungary) and Zurich (Switzerland). From 2001 to 2006, she chaired the European Commission's European Research Advisory Board (EURAB). Today, she is Professor Emeritus of Social Studies of Science at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich and Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of Vienna University. Her research focuses on social studies of science and technology; science, technology and innovation policy; social time; risk, environment and sustainability; and the social organisation of social sciences and humanities. Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, the new European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, welcomed Professor Nowotny's appointment. 'I am confident that Professor Nowotny will lead with ambition this truly pioneering European project,' she stated. 'She is a fantastic role model for young women considering a science career. We need more like her.' 'The unanimous election of Professor Nowotny is the obvious recognition of Helga's tireless work and commitment, whilst a vice-chair, in making the ERC a success,' added Jack Metthey, Director of the ERC Executive Agency. 'My colleagues and I at the Executive Agency look forward with enthusiasm to continuing working with her in her new role.' The current ERC President and Chair of the Scientific Council, Fotis Kafatos, announced his intention to step down in January. 'As the founding President of the ERC, I have devoted to it much of the last three years - much more time and volunteer effort than what I had planned or expected,' he wrote in his resignation letter. 'Correspondingly, I would like now to devote more time to my research laboratory at Imperial College, together with my scientific co-workers and colleagues there.' 'I want to thank Professor Kafatos for his exceptional contribution and commitment to the birth, development and success of this European scientific adventure,' said José Manuel Silva Rodriguez, Director General for Research at the European Commission. Professor Kafatos will remain a member of the ERC's Scientific Council and has been unanimously voted ERC Honorary President. The ERC was set up under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) to support frontier research. It has a EUR 7.5 billion budget for the period from 2007 to 2013, and so far it has provided support to over 900 projects. The ERC Advanced Grants go to senior, experienced researchers, while the Starting Grants are given to more junior researchers. Both grants are allocated solely on the basis of scientific excellence. Europe's research ministers are expected to adopt conclusions on the structures of the ERC at the Competitiveness Council meeting on 1 and 2 March.



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