Continued application of remote sensing to agricultural statistics
The European Commission has published its Council Decision of 14 November 1994 on the continued application of remote sensing to agricultural statistics during the period 1994-1998. The pilot project for remote sensing applied to agricultural statistics (adopted by Decision 88/503/EEC (OJ No L 9 of 13.1.1988) which expired on 31 December 1993) covered the first part of a development programme planned to last for ten years. The project was launched because of the need to improve agricultural statistics systems in the EU, a need which still exists. Certain actions will therefore be continued during the period 1994-1998. These concern the application of remote sensing to provide early estimates of acreages and yields at European or national level and to improve the statistical systems of the Member States. The activities which require further development during the second phase of the ten-year programme will be covered by the specific programme on standards, measurements and testing under the Fourth Framework Programme for research and technological development (1994-1998).