Euroabstracts: March 1995
"Euroabstracts" is published each month by DG XIII of the European Commission. It provides abstracts of Community RTD publications in addition to a review of RTD results, policies and activities. The March 1995 issue presents an overview of European research in the social sciences, including the social impact of technology, social policy and management studies. Following a conference organized by the Community's SPRINT programme on research and technology organizations (RTOs) in the 1990s and beyond, an article examines the strategic issues for RTOs in Europe. In addition, a summary of a detailed study undertaken by the RACE programme on the social impact of new communications technologies examines the socio-economic perspective of telecommunications technologies. A new section on book reviews looks at recent Community RTD publications, including the "European report on science and technology indicators 1994", the "Annual report of the Human Capital and Mobility programme 1993", and "Energy RTD: Towards a European strategy". The March edition includes some 40 pages of abstracts of recent Community publications on research, science and technology. These cover a wide range of subjects: chemistry, earth sciences, engineering and technology, energy, life sciences, materials, mathematics, computers and telecommunications, nuclear science and engineering, and physics.