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Content archived on 2022-11-18

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Council Resolution concerning the deployment of telematics in the road transport sector

The Council of the European Union has published a Resolution concerning the use of telematics in the road transport sector. The Resolution refers specifically to the Community's specific programmes in the field of telematics applications of common interest (1994-1998) and in ...

The Council of the European Union has published a Resolution concerning the use of telematics in the road transport sector. The Resolution refers specifically to the Community's specific programmes in the field of telematics applications of common interest (1994-1998) and in the field of transport (1994-1998), and to the conclusions of the Essen European Council of December 1994 concerning trans-European networks. The Resolution calls on the Commission to introduce a proposal for the harmonization of early warning traffic services, using RDS-TMC to ensure the compatibility of on-board terminals and taking account of the CEN proposal on the ALERT C (advice and problem location for European road traffic) broadcasting protocol. The Council also calls on Member States and the Commission to support standardization work on specific RDS-TMC services and, in particular, with regard to the ALERT+ protocol (compatible extension of ALERT C protocol) and road traffic messages. The Commission is further requested to establish a working party of high-level representatives, appointed by Member States, to study the deployment of road telematics applications. On the basis of the findings of this working party, the Commission should propose a general strategy and framework for the use of telematics applications in road transport, in order to: - Define the other applications which need to be developed; - Produce proposals for minimum specifications to permit the effective launching of these other applications; - Discover the obstacles which hinder the implementation of the above applications. The Commission is required to submit a detailed work programme for the working party to the Council, together with a detailed report on the activities of the European Union in the road telematics field, before the end of 1995.