Invitation to tender: Provision of R&D services in the statistical information field
The Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT) has published an invitation to tender for research and development services in the statistical information field within the context of the specific programme for priority actions in the statistical information field (1993-1997). Within the context of its mission to "supply the European Union with a quality statistical information service", EUROSTAT has for a number of years, had the use of an information service on European statistics established at two sites - Luxembourg and Brussels. The main objective of this information service on European statistics is to draw up and transmit, within the best delivery times, a response in the satisfactory technical and methodological terms with regard to a request that no EUROSTAT publication distributed by the Publications Office can satisfy, as such. The aim of this invitation to tender is to select one or two contracting parties to assist EUROSTAT's central office in these activities. The volume of requests to be handled by EUROSTAT's central office is estimated at 60,000 per year and is divided up into equal parts between the two sites. The information dossier accompanying this call and other necessary documents may be obtained from: European Commission Statistical Office of the European Communities Directorate A Jean Monnet Building L-2920 Luxembourg Tel. +352-4301-32048; Fax +352-4301-32594