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Content archived on 2022-11-25

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Call for proposals for RTD projects in the field of training and mobility of researchers

The European Commission, DG XII, has published a call for proposals for RTD projects to be financed under the Community's specific RTD programme in the field of training and mobility of researchers (TMR). The call covers Activity 1 of the TMR work programme which concerns rese...

The European Commission, DG XII, has published a call for proposals for RTD projects to be financed under the Community's specific RTD programme in the field of training and mobility of researchers (TMR). The call covers Activity 1 of the TMR work programme which concerns research networks. The objective of this activity is to encourage research teams from a number of countries to work together on high-quality joint research projects and, in this context, to promote the training and mobility of researchers, particularly young post-doctoral researchers. Such research networks will also encourage interaction between different disciplines, the combination of different technologies, the transfer of techniques from one scientific domain to another, the dissemination of results, and cooperation between academia and industry. As a general rule, a network will consist of at least five non-affiliated research teams from at least three countries of the Member States of the Community and the Associated States (each network must, however, contain at least one research team from a Member State of the Community). Smaller networks, including twinnings, working in emerging areas of science and technology may exceptionally be supported when they are considered to form the core of a future larger network. Research networks will be carried out as shared-cost projects. While the organizations within a network will use their own resources (national funds, private funds, etc.) to finance the actual research work, Community support will finance, at a rate of up to 100%, the additional costs of creating and maintaining the network. In order to facilitate participation of organizations from the Central and Eastern European countries and from the countries of the former Soviet Union, it is possible that some Community financial support may be made available. Details of third country participation possibilities are contained in the information package. The work programme, the information package concerning the procedures to be followed for the submission of proposals and a copy of the model contract to be drawn up for the proposals accepted are available from the Commission on request, or through the CORDIS WWW server at A description of work carried out under previous related programmes will also be provided on request. All correspondence concerning this call should be sent to: European Commission DG XII - Science, research and development Unit XII/G-2 200 rue de la Loi (MO-75 4/24) B-1049 Brussels Proposals may also be delivered by hand to the address indicated here, or to one of the offices of the Commission within the Community and the Associated States.

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