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Call for proposals for Training and Mobility of Researchers programme

The European Commission, DG XII, has published a call for proposals for RTD actions for the specific programme for research, technological development and demonstration, in the field of the training and mobility of researchers (TMR) (1994-1998). In conformity with Article 5.1...

The European Commission, DG XII, has published a call for proposals for RTD actions for the specific programme for research, technological development and demonstration, in the field of the training and mobility of researchers (TMR) (1994-1998). In conformity with Article 5.1 of the Council Decision establishing the specific programme, a work programme has been drawn up by the Commission, detailing the scientific and technological objectives and types of RTD actions to be undertaken, and the financial arrangements to be made for them. The objectives and research, technological development and demonstration work foreseen in this present call for proposals cover the fields set out in the work programme. The legal entities foreseen in Articles 1, 2 and 3 of the Council Decision on the rules for the participation in specific programmes as well as the JRC are invited to submit proposals for RTD actions for the following activities: - Activity 3: Training through research; - Activity 4: Accompanying measures (Euroconferences, summer schools and practical training courses). The aim of the TMR programme is to promote, through the stimulation of training and mobility of researchers, a quantitative and qualitative increase of human resources within the Community and in the Associated States. The programme covers all fields of the exact, natural, economic and management sciences, as well as those social and human sciences that contribute to the objectives of the Fourth Framework Programme. In order to encourage the creativity and innovation of researchers in conceiving their projects, there are no pre-established targets or priorities in the fields covered by the TMR programme. Scientific merit will be the overriding criterion in the evaluation and selection of projects. - Activity 3: Training through research: This activity will concentrate on the training of European researchers at the post-doctoral level through research and through the stimulation of their mobility. This activity will be implemented through three types of grant: grants for training, return grants, and grants to established researchers: - A. Grants for training: These grants are offered to post-doctoral researchers who wish to receive training or to specialize outside the country of their nationality and their country of recent residence. A post-doctoral researcher is defined as a researcher holding either a doctoral degree or equivalent level of education or, alternatively, having at least four years' full-time research experience at post-graduate level. Training grants may also be offered to post-graduate researchers. A post-graduate researcher is defined as a holder of a degree, obtained from a university or equivalent institution of higher education, which qualifies the holder directly to embark on a doctorate or equivalent degree. Community support will provide, for a period of between six months and two years at post-doctoral level and between six months and three years at post-graduate level, an allowance for the researcher and a contribution to the research and administrative costs of the host institute. - B. Return grants: Return grants are reserved for researchers from less-favoured regions who wish to return and undertake research in a less-favoured region in the country of their nationality and who: - Have been in receipt of a full two-year post-doctoral grant for training under this programme; or - Have been in receipt of a post-doctoral fellowship of at least 20 months under the Human Capital and Mobility (HCM) programme. Community support will provide, for a period of up to 12 months, an allowance for the researcher and a contribution to the research and administrative costs of the host institute. - C. Grants to established researchers: These grants are reserved for established researchers, particularly from industrialized regions, who wish to join a research team in the less-favoured regions outside the country of their nationality, in order to impart their knowledge and research experience. Applicants for these grants should have at least eight years' full-time research experience at post-graduate level. Community support will provide, for a period of three months to one year, an allowance for the researcher and a contribution to the research and administrative costs of the host institute. Project proposals for training through research (grants for training, return grants, grants to established researchers) must arrive at the Commission by 15 September 1995 (12.00). - Activity 4: Accompanying measures (Euroconferences, summer schools and practical training courses): Euroconferences are to be high-level scientific meetings with a focused theme at the cutting-edge of research bringing together young researchers and established scientists. A Euroconference project would normally be a series of meetings, each lasting for several days and taking place in a closed environment. The number of participants will normally be between 30 and 100. Summer schools are to provide advanced training for young researchers at post-graduate and post-doctoral level. Summer schools are to be organized around specific scientific themes and will have a defined syllabus; interdisciplinary summer schools are encouraged. Practical training courses are to be advanced courses organized in research institutes, scientific centres, or industrial laboratories with an emphasis on practical techniques and substantial hands-on or field experience for the participants. The Community financing may not be considered as a general subsidy; it may be used as a contribution to 3 types of expenses: (i) expenses related to the participation of young scientists; (ii) up to 50% of the expenses related to the participation of invited keynote speakers and scientific organizers; (iii) expenses related to organization. Project proposals for accompanying measures (Euroconferences, summer schools and practical training courses) must arrive at the Commission by 2 October 1995 (12.00). Detailed information concerning the procedure to follow for the submission of proposals (information package) and the contract that will be established in respect of selected proposals will be available on request from the Commission's services. Requests for the information package should be sent to: TMR Information Package European Commission DG XII/G-3 Office MO75 5/34 Rue Montoyer 75 B-1040 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2960254 Fax +32-2-2962136/2962133/2956995/2963270 Internet (WWW):

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