Study on equal access and interconnection in telecommunications
The European Commission, DG XIII, has published a study on "Issues related to fair and equal access and the provision of harmonized offerings for interconnection to public networks and services in the context of Open Network Provision (ONP)". The study, which was conducted by external contractors on behalf of the Commission, aims to provide a practical and operational set of recommendations for the implementation of European legislation on the interconnection of telecommunications networks. Since the regulatory framework requires telecommunications operators to publish an "Interconnection Reference Offer", the study concentrates on helping regulators and operators identify what offerings should be included in these offers. The study was limited in principle to voice telephony, although some other areas are included in part. Following surveys of the experiences with interconnection and equal access in a number of key European markets, conducted in the first half of 1996, the study team analysed these results before formulating recommendations. Conclusions of the study address the following areas: - Regulation of technical aspects; - The need for coordination at European and national level; - A long-term coordination structure at European level.