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Content archived on 2022-11-28

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Guidelines for the implementation of calling-line identification services

The European Commission, DG XIII, has published an invitation to tender for the completion of a study on guidelines for the implementation of calling-line identification services. The purpose of the proposed study will be to describe and analyse the present situations and pla...

The European Commission, DG XIII, has published an invitation to tender for the completion of a study on guidelines for the implementation of calling-line identification services. The purpose of the proposed study will be to describe and analyse the present situations and plans in the EU for implementation of calling-line identification (CLI), and to examine the situation in selected other countries and regions, in particular the USA, Australia and Japan. The analysis will, in particular, identify any perceived barriers to Community-wide implementation of CLI in the post-1998 liberalized European market. Drawing on lessons that can be learnt from markets where CLI has already been successfully introduced, the general objective is to produce a set of guidelines for use in all Member States that will facilitate the implementation nationally and on a Community-wide basis. The guidelines should provide recommended practices for: - The identification and presentation of calling-line identification information; - The exchange of information between networks, in particular, PSTN-ISDN interworking; - Observing requirements for data protection, including default options; - Issues of reliability and integrity of CLI information; - Definition of responsibilities in a multi-network market. The output of the study should include a code of practice for network operators, drawn up in association with regulators, users, service providers and equipment manufacturers. The duration of the contract will be nine months. The terms of reference for the study may be requested, in writing, from: European Commission DG XIII - Telecommunications, information market and exploitation of research DG XIII/A Ms. Alison Birkett 200 rue de la Loi (BU31 3/58) B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2968393 When requests are made by facsimile, they must be confirmed by letter dispatched before the specified deadline. Completed tenders should be sent to the same address.