Integrating accelerator R&D facilities under one super network
The EU-funded project TIARA (Test infrastructure and accelerator research area) was established to facilitate and optimize the accelerator research and development (R&D) effort in the field of accelerator science and technology in Europe in a sustainable manner by integrating national and international relevant R&D infrastructures. To this end, it has created a Consortium of European research institutes operating significant accelerator R&D infrastructures and a Memorandum of Understanding has been signed by all members. Present and future needs were determined for the integration and optimisation of European R&D infrastructures. The team proposed ways to develop, share and access these infrastructures for different users. A governance structure for collaboration under the new Consortium was outlined, accelerator research areas were identified, and education and training options in Europe for accelerator sciences were examined. Along with supporting the use of complementary facilities and expertise of existing infrastructures, consideration was given to the construction of needed installations as part of the new accelerator research area. A joint European accelerator R&D programme was developed to encourage collaborative projects. Other actions included the education and training of accelerator scientists, fostering collaboration with industry to develop products for research facilities and establishing a plan of action for promoting accelerator science. A coherent and comprehensive joint R&D programme in accelerator science and technology (S&T) was proposed. This is to be carried out by a broad community using the distributed infrastructures. Work related to scientific and technological aspects aimed at improving, collaboratively, specific existing infrastructures or developing new ones. Showcase examples include the conversion of the Swiss Light Source for enabling R&D studies, the improvement of the SPARC infrastructure in Italy and the Ionization Cooling Test Facility in UK, and the design of two test benches targeting development of large future accelerators. Communication and dissemination activities include the newsletter Accelerating News and the Accelerators for Society project. TIARA produced a brochure and a dedicated website to promote accelerator S&T through applications for R&D, health and medicine, energy and environment, industry, security and cultural heritage. The initiative has made an important contribution to R&D in several key fields and industries. This will help Europe lead in accelerator S&T and to advance an integrated R&D programme that embraces the needs of diverse fields, including the medical and industrial sectors.
Accelerator facilities, accelerator research, research and development, accelerator sciences