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Content archived on 2024-05-30

MOLecular MEDicine Regional Center of EXcellence

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Centre of genomics excellence in Hungary

The field of molecular medicine has seen revolutionary changes in the past two decades. A research centre at the University of Debrecen in Hungary has upgraded its molecular medicine facility to keep in line with these changes.

Supporting the upgrading, the project 'Molecular Medicine Regional Center of Excellence' (MOLMEDREX) has focused on three key areas: genomics, next-generation sequencing (NGS) and personalised medicine. A Genomics Centre, set up in 2000, provides genomic services such as sequencing and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis. The challenge has been to incorporate genome-wide analyses incorporating epigenetics and NGS for large-scale disease association studies. The Research Centre for Molecular Medicine (RCMM) responded by making better use of its available clinical resources for serving regional needs to gain international acclaim. The Centre now has 16 research labs, and genomics, imaging and high-throughput screening are the core of molecular medicine in the country. One of its distinguishing features is the high level of integration of its basic research units, core facilities and clinical departments. To implement the development plan, RCMM has collaborated with two of Europe's foremost molecular biology institutes, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, Germany. Partnerships with another 13 European universities have also been forged for knowledge transfer. To provide critical mass and technical expertise, young scientists have joined the workforce. Four senior and eight junior researchers are now contributing to the scientific visibility of RCMM.In partnership with the twinned institutes, MOLMEDREX has supported the organisation of workshops, conferences and courses. RCMM also serves as a knowledge centre for key groups of the local population such as patient groups, high school students and the media. Strategic use of state-of-the-art resources is not only providing genomic resources of the highest calibre to the people of Hungary, it is also projecting the work of RCMM into the high-ranking labs of Europe. Ongoing collaboration and knowledge sharing will continue to promote the ranking of RCMM in the world of molecular medicine.


Molecular medicine, genomics, next-generation sequencing, personalised medicine, collaboration

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