Innovation and enterprise creation: Statistics and indicators
The Enterprise Directorate-General (overseeing the Innovation and SME programme) and Eurostat are jointly organising the international conference.
The similar preceding conference (on 20 and 21 May 1996 in Luxembourg) helped enhance the methodology for statistical surveys of innovation and to improve the international comparability of collected data. A useful dialogue was also established between the users (policy-makers, company managers, practitioners, innovation scheme managers) and the producers of innovation statistics, allowing new needs in robust and reliable indicators to be taken into account.
The Sophia Antipolis conference hopes to be a landmark in the development of analytical tools, to help understand the innovation process, identify new patterns, implement innovation policies and fine-tune them to economic and technological change.
It will concentrate, notably, on the following aspects:
- Advances in innovation statistics: organisational innovation, measuring intangibles and the knowledge base at firm and sector levels, adding a time/longitudinal dimension, inter-linking innovation data with other enterprise data;
- Results of sectoral and regional studies exploiting recent Community and national innovation surveys;
- New indicators needed, notably, for the benchmarking of innovation and company creation policies;
- Acquisition and protection of competencies by enterprises.
Further information on the registration process and the conference programme will be available soon