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Smart Mobility: Transport telematics exhibition

An exhibition devoted to transport telematics systems features as part of the Brussels Motor Show from 11-23 January 1994.

The exhibition "Smart Mobility" is organized by the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA) with the cooperation of the EU programme of RTD ...

11 January 1994 - 11 January 1994
An exhibition devoted to transport telematics systems features as part of the Brussels Motor Show from 11-23 January 1994.

The exhibition "Smart Mobility" is organized by the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA) with the cooperation of the EU programme of RTD in Transport Telematics (DRIVE). Most members of the ACEA are participating, together with major suppliers and the European Road Transport Telematics Implementation Organization (ERTICO).

In rethinking Europe's mobility network in order to overcome existing problems and to meet the requirements of the Single Market, the European Economic Area and the new democracies of Eastern Europe, one of the most positive solutions is a better and more intelligent use of existing road transport infrastructure. In addition, the work of programmes such as DRIVE and the EUREKA programme PROMETHEUS has remained, to an extent, theoretical. Greater political momentum is required to implement telematics systems, and to increase public awareness of these systems and their potential.

The exhibition aims to demonstrate to the authorities, opinion formers and to the public at large what is being achieved in this field. It features telematics applications in areas including travel information, traffic management, traffic information, vehicle control and fleet management.
For further information on Transport Telematics, please contact:

Commission of the European Communities
Telematics networks and services applied to transport
200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2963431; Fax +32-2-2962391

Exhibition organizers:

Attn. James Rosenstein
Director of Communications
211 rue du Noyer
B-1040 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-7325550; Fax +32-2-7326001

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