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World Congress on Advanced Transport Telematics and Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems

The first World Congress on Advanced Transport Telematics and Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems will be held in Paris on 30 November-3 December 1994.

In most developed countries, vehicle ownership and the use of vehicles are growing at rates significantly greater than the e...

2 November 1994 - 2 November 1994
The first World Congress on Advanced Transport Telematics and Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems will be held in Paris on 30 November-3 December 1994.

In most developed countries, vehicle ownership and the use of vehicles are growing at rates significantly greater than the expansion of roads and other infrastructure. Planners are increasingly turning to existing and new technologies to preserve mobility, improve road safety, and minimize congestion, pollution and environmental impact.

Europe, Japan and the USA have set up ambitious RTD programmes. The roads and vehicles of the future will see major changes brought about by Telematics. The European Road Transport Telematics Implementation Coordination Organization (ERTICO), the Intelligent Vehicle Highway Society of America (IVHS AMERICA) and the Vehicle, Road and Transportation Intelligence System in Japan (VERTIS, to be established in January 1994) and corresponding organizations in other countries are eager to exchange information, compare experiences and jointly plan future ventures in order to gain a better understanding of problems and try to find a solution at world level.

To develop this cooperation, the three organizations have agreed to sponsor a series of World Congresses in Advanced Transport Telematics (ATT) and Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS), of which the Paris event is the first. Subsequent Congresses will be held in Japan (1995) and the USA (1996). The aim of these meetings is to provide a forum for the interested parties (decision makers, technical experts, infrastructure owners/operators and the general public) to discuss the application of the new technologies.

The first World Congress is organized jointly by ERTICO and IVHS AMERICA with the support of the Commission of the European Communities (DG VII and DG XIII) and the French Government, with the participation of VERTIS and the European Conference of Ministers of Transport. The programme will include:

- Opening Plenary Session (30.11.1994);

- Executive Sessions (30.11.1994-2.12.1994): Four half-days in two parallel sessions, where keynote speakers will develop future policy on mobility problems, demand management, perspectives of new technologies, public/private partnerships, the institutional and legal framework, environment and safety, financing, traffic information and control, and public and intermodal transport;

- Technical sessions (30.11.1994-2.12.1994): Four half-days of 8 parallel sessions, where the latest research results from Europe (DRIVE and other ATT programmes plus the EUREKA programme PROMETHEUS), the USA, Japan and other countries will be presented by international experts covering major topics including system architecture, safety and safety critical systems, navigation and map databases, tolling, electronic debiting and AVI, commercial vehicle operations, emergency and public vehicle management, man-machine interface and human factors, advanced traveller information systems, urban and inter-urban traffic management, advanced vehicle control systems, communications, cost benefit studies of energy consumption and environmental impact, standards, and operational test reports;

- Closing plenary session (2.12.1994): Conclusions of the major players including the public authorities, infrastructure and network operators, car manufacturers, systems suppliers and users.

An international Exhibition will take place in the Congress Centre during the five days of the event (open to the public only on 3 December). A series of visits before and after the Congress will also offer a look behind the scenes and hands-on experience of new developments and innovations.
For further information, contact:

ATT and IVHS World Congress
Paris 1994 Organizing Committee
ERTICO Paris Office
6 rue du General Camou
F-75007 Paris
Tel. +33-1-44903313; Fax +33-1-44903315

Inquiries concerning the participation of the Community programme of Transport Telematics may be addressed to:

Commission of the European Communities
Telematics networks and services applied to transport
200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2963431; Fax +32-2-2962391

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