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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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PATINNOVA '94, Copenhagen: European Congress on Innovation, Management and Patents

The PATINNOVA '94 Congress on Innovation, Management and Patents will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark on 2-4 June 1994.

Organized by the European Commission, DG XIII-D/1, the objective of the three-day congress is to improve the general awareness of the economic and marketi...

2 June 1994 - 2 June 1994
The PATINNOVA '94 Congress on Innovation, Management and Patents will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark on 2-4 June 1994.

Organized by the European Commission, DG XIII-D/1, the objective of the three-day congress is to improve the general awareness of the economic and marketing importance of the patent system. It will explore the role of industrial property rights as an interface between research and the actual transfer of research results to new products.

Expert contributions will seek to move the question of patents from the legal department to the laboratory and the board room, in order to make protection a competitive parameter instead of a cost. Innovation and patenting must be put on the agenda of far more companies than is the case today, and leaders of industry and of university research must work together in this important field.

Research requires immense investments, whether it takes place within companies or at research institutions. PATINNOVA '94 seeks to give practical information on how companies may operate, share the investments and achieve synergy. The sensitive question of whether research should be guided by national interests will also be discussed.

Patents will be considered from the viewpoints of both research and management. Participants will not only gain an overview of developments in this area, but will also have the opportunity to meet representatives from industry, research, trade and professional organizations, and the European Commission, in order to contribute to the decision-making process.
For full information, please contact:

c/o Confederation of Danish Industries
H.C. Andersens Boulevard 18
DK-1787 Copenhagen V
Tel. +45-33773609; Fax +45-33773780


Commission of the European Communities
Attn. Mr. Frantz Liisberg (B4/45)
Jean Monnet building
L-2920 Luxembourg
Tel. +352-430134182; Fax +352-430133389

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