'Partnership event for FP7 NMP and PPP calls', Lyon, France
Ahead of upcoming Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) calls in nanotechnology, nanosciences, nanomaterials and new production technologies (NMP), and public-private partnerships (PPP) for research, the event will help attendees to network and organise project proposals. The agenda will include the following areas:
- nanosciences and nanotechnologies;
- materials and integration;
- factory of the future and production;
- efficient energy buildings;
- green cars.
There will also be meetings which can be scheduled in advance via the event's website and participant support stands led by National Contact Points (NCPs), NCP Networks (NMPTeam, ETNA, Ideal-ist, C-Energy+) and the Enterprise Europe Network.
There is a registration deadline of 22 May 2012. Attendance is free.For further information, please visit: http://www.eurosfaire.prd.fr/7pc/manifestations/120612-form-nmp.php