Second International Conference on Island Sustainability, Island of Brac, Croatia
Rising living standards and increased leisure time have allowed many people to take longer holidays and to travel to distant parts of the world. Venturing to new and unknown places has helped make tourism is one of the world's fastest growing industries. The problem, however, is that it has caused considerable stress on the environment and is particularly acute in the case of coastal regions and islands.
Most islands cannot provide all resources required to maintain a large seasonal tourist population and in many cases basic requirements such as water and energy, as well as agricultural produce, need to be imported.
This conference will be a forum for discussions and the exchange of information on how to handle the impact of large seasonal population increases, what socio-economic factors need to be carefully evaluated, as well as issues related to transportation and communication, all of which should be part of an overall strategy that need to be determined.For further information, please visit: