'IMAMPC 2012 - International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry', Pisa, Italy
Co-organised by CODECS (COnvergent Distributed Environment for Computational Spectroscopy), an interdisciplinary COST Action which aims to create a network dedicated to computational spectroscopy, this interdisciplinary meeting intends to stimulate ideas and promote high-quality research carried out by young scientists. It will bring together experimentalists and theoreticians from diverse fields such as:
- electronic Structure and Spectroscopy of Molecules in the gas phase, condensed phases and at the gas/surface interfaces;
- macromolecules and Aggregates;
- structural Dynamics, Liquids, Nanomaterials;
- photo-reactivity and Photovoltaics;
- ultra-Cold Collisions, Quantum Control, Superfluid Helium Nanodroplets.For further information, please visit: http://imampc2012.sns.it/