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Third European Conference on Engineering and Medicine

The Third European Conference on Engineering and Medicine will take place in Florence, Italy, on 30 April to 3 May 1995. It is organized by the European Society for Engineering and Medicine, and is being sponsored by DG XII of the European Commission.

The following scientific...

30 May 1995 - 30 May 1995
The Third European Conference on Engineering and Medicine will take place in Florence, Italy, on 30 April to 3 May 1995. It is organized by the European Society for Engineering and Medicine, and is being sponsored by DG XII of the European Commission.

The following scientific sessions will take place:

- Bio-imaging techniques;
- Medical implants and artificial organs;
- Biosignal processing, modelling and medical networks.

Special round tables and workshops are scheduled to take place at the end of each scientific session. These will include a round table on interprogramme collaboration in biomedical engineering in the European Union, with special reference to the Community's Biomedicine and Health, Measurements and Testing, and Telematics in Health Care programmes.

In addition, a satellite workshop on "Computer analysis of blood pressure and heart rate signals" and a COMETT course on "Micro-engineering in biology and medicine" will take place on 4-5 May 1995.

The following pre-conference advanced courses for medical doctors and engineers will take place on 29-30 April:

- Special courses for medical doctors:

. Robotics in medicine;
. New biomaterials for skeletal implants;
. Neural networks for medical applications;
. Trends in biomagnetism;
. Chaos in biological signals: methods of analysis and signal processing;
. Eye movement analysis as a neurological diagnostic tool;

- Special course for engineers:

. Gastrointestinal endoscopy;
. Non-invasive optical sensor system in ophthalmology;
. Diagnostic and modern interventional treatment of coronary lesions;
. Eidomatics and robotics in reconstructive surgery: clinical applications;
. Trends of new technology for diagnosis and recovery of respiratory functions.
For further information, please contact:

Ms. Finocchiaro
Fondazione Pro Juventute Don C. Gnocchi
Politecnico di Milano
Via Capecelatro 66
I-20148 Milan
Tel. +39-2-48705848; Fax +39-2-26861144