Language Engineering Convention 1995
The Commission will present the language engineering area of the Telematics Applications programme under the Fourth Framework Programme (1994-1998).
The aims of the Convention will be to promote the transfer of emerging and current technology in speech and language and to increase the possibilities for communications in European languages by integrating new spoken and written language-processing tools.
The call for papers is for relevant teams working on EC-funded projects and European national programmes. Technical papers should focus on results and applications or potential applications based on the following topics:
- Office systems;
- Translation;
- Multilingual interfaces;
- Software localization;
- Information and communication services;
- Language aids for the handicapped;
- Language training;
- Multimedia publishing;
- Non-IT sector applications;
- Language resources;
- Tools;
- Standards;
- Technical authoring;
- Information management;
- Specialized domains;
- Evaluation.
In addition, a final day session will be devoted to a number of 15-minute position papers which will provide a basis for general discussion. They should cover one of the following themes:
- Social policy;
- Scientific challenges;
- Programme funding and resources;
- Commission and government directions;
- Relationship between theory and technology;
- Usability.
For further information concerning the call for papers, please contact:
Mrs. Linda Prior
Department of Trade and Industry
1616 Buckingham Palace Road
London SW1W 9SS
United Kingdom
Tel. +44-171-2151256; Fax +44-171-2151966
For further information concerning the exhibition, please contact:
Concorde Services Ltd
Mrs. Dion Bassett
10 Wendell Road
London W12 9RT
United Kingdom
Tel. +44-181-7433106; Fax +44-181-7431010