JRC working conference on "Long-term perspectives for effects of rural land use changes on soil contaminants"
The conference will focus on the vulnerability of soils to the mobilization of chemicals due to changes in land use and will encourage a multidisciplinary approach to delayed and non-linear processes.
In particular, the aims of the conference are to:
- Assess the possible implications of land use changes on the mobilization and immobilization of contaminants in the soil;
- Provide a state-of-the-art review of the underlying processes and their modelling, aimed especially at indirect non-linear responses;
- Provide a set of guiding principles on management options for policy makers;
- Identify important gaps in knowledge requiring research.
For further information, please contact:
Dr. G. Bidoglio
Environment Institute
Joint Research Centre
I-21020 Ispra (VA)
Tel. +39-332-789383/789954; Fax +39-332-789328