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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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International Workshop on Software Evolution and Reuse

The International Workshop on Software Evolution and Reuse (SER), a major European event presenting results of research in the field, will take place in Brussels, Belgium, on 4-5 December 1995. The Workshop is organized by the SER Consortium (Athens Technology Centre (GR); Bul...

4 December 1995 - 4 December 1995
The International Workshop on Software Evolution and Reuse (SER), a major European event presenting results of research in the field, will take place in Brussels, Belgium, on 4-5 December 1995. The Workshop is organized by the SER Consortium (Athens Technology Centre (GR); Bull S.A. (F) (coordinator); Ericsson Software Technology (S); Q-Labs (S); Sema-Group sae (E); SINTEF (N); The Technology Broker (UK); TXT Ingegneria Informatica (I)) with the support of the European Commission.

The SER Project (EP9809) was launched by the European Commission in order to help deploy further, leverage, and disseminate solutions for software evolution and reuse produced by the REBOOT, EUROWARE, RECYCLE, EUROBANQUET, PROTEUS, SCALE, and COSMOS projects under the ESPRIT programme.

The workshop will look at the problem of evolving old software applications - an issue of critical importance given that software reuse is believed to offer the major source of savings in software development costs in the coming years. The working groups will address typical issues arising when a software organization decides to evolve its applications.

The workshop offers a unique opportunity to learn about the various solutions which have been developed by European projects and the experiments carried out in several real-world applications.
For further information, please contact:

Bull S.A
Mr. Jean-Marc MOREL
SER Project Manager
Rue Jean Jaures
F-78340 Les Clayes sous Bois
Tel. +33-1-30807448; Fax +33-1-30807078

The complete announcement, agenda and registration form can also be accessed through Internet at URL: