Med-Interprise Egypt - "Electronics and Information Technology"
Med-Interprise Egypt is part of the European Union's Med-Invest programme, a series of initiatives designed to promote and intensify cooperative links between Europe and the Mediterranean region. Med-Interprise aims to foster long-term collaboration agreements between potential business partners on both sides of the Mediterranean, whether commercial, financial, technological, managerial or production-based.
The electronic and information technology sectors have been specially targeted for this particular partnership initiative, due to the high growth potential for long-term cooperation in the Middle East region. The Middle East is one of the fastest growing markets in the world for electronics and information technology, offering a broad scope of new business and partnership opportunities for companies from Europe and the region.
Med-Interprise Egypt will offer companies from Egypt, the Mediterranean countries and the Arabian peninsula a forum for meeting potential European counterparts for concrete business development discussions. Med-Interprise is based on the pre-circulation of detailed company profiles and cooperation proposals, so that each participant knows his counterpart in advance, facilitating more productive discussions over the two days. All participants will have full advance information on who will be present via the Internet.
Participating companies must be engaged in the fields of electronics and/or information technology and be committed to the development of long-term cooperation arrangements.
Med-Interprise Egypt will also be accompanied by an exhibition of high-technology products and services, the Euro-Middle East Technology Exchange Exhibition, at which companies may demonstrate their products and technology to potential customers. A series of seminars will also be held, on 16 May 1996, on the latest developments in different high-tech sectors.
For further information, please contact:
3 Abu El Feda Street
PO Box 385-11511 Attaba
Tel. +202-341-3662/4024; Fax +202-341-3663