International conference on "High-Performance Computing and Networking" - HPCN'96
The international conference and exhibition, which covers all aspects of high-performance computing in Europe, is targeted at all those who need to be updated on the state-of-art in HPCN, especially:
- Users of workstations, servers and the matching software packages for simulation, visualization and high-performance data handling;
- Decision-makers in industry, research and academia responsible for the selection and acquisition of high-performance systems and software;
- Researchers, developers and engineers in industry and academia willing to contribute to the growing importance of HPCN technology.
The five-day event will feature a variety of activities including: a conference, poster sessions, an exhibition, industrial end-user sessions, a "Technology Demonstrator Display", vendor sessions, workshops and tutorials providing in-depth knowledge and training in specific areas related to HPCN.
Examples of ESPRIT projects in the area of HPCN will be presented at the event.
For further details, please contact:
HPCN'96 - Programme Secretariat
MC Consultancy - Lodewijk Bos
Stationsstraat 38
NL-3511 EG Utrecht
Tel. +31-30-2311038; Fax +31-30-2321967
Further information may also be found on the World Wide Web at: