JRC Blue Seminars: Aquatic processes and water technology
- Phytoremediation at hazardous waste sites: 15 May 1996;
- Physical-chemical processes controlling the availability of substrates for microbes in terrestrial systems: 13 June 1996;
- Removal of priority pollutants from aqueous waste and environmental streams: 22 July 1996.
The "Blue Seminars" are open to the whole scientific community and are intended to serve as an open forum for discussion and exchange of information regarding the management of water resources in Europe. They are also expected to contribute to the implementation of the Task Force on water technologies which is being established by the Commission.
For further information, please contact:
European Commission
Joint Research Centre
Dr. Giovanni Bidoglio/Dr. Ruzena Markos
Environment Institute
I-21020 Ispra (Va)
Tel. +39-332-789383/789160
E-mail: giovanni.bidoglio@jrc.it or E-mail: ruzena.markos@jrc.it
Further details on the seminars, including abstracts of seminar topics and lists of past and future seminars, are also available on the World Wide Web at: