ONLINE EDUCA MOSCOW - International conference and workshop on technology in distance learning
This event will focus on developments in the European region, with particular emphasis on the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The conference will feature demonstrations of certain pertinent outcomes from Western European research and development activities in the field of telematics-based education and training. These will be centred around developments within the framework of the STACCIS (Support for Telematics Applications Cooperation with the Commonwealth of Independent States) project which is supported by the European Commission.
The objective of these demonstrations will be to build mutually beneficial East-West strategies for cooperation, and to promote links between educators and industrial partners concerned with the use of telematics as an integral part of the educational and training processes in the European Union and CIS countries. They will also provide feedback on the usefulness and market potential of certain telematic applications.
Key topics and themes to be addressed by the conference include:
- Personnel development via online training;
- Technology-based solutions;
- Developing the market for corporate educational services;
- Costing telematics-supported flexible and distance learning;
- The challenge of education and training for all.
The conference will be accompanied by an exhibition presenting institutions offering distance education, publishers, producers of software and hardware and the many other players in the rapidly expanding world of distance learning.
Presenters wishing to take part in the conference must submit an abstract of their proposed presentation (not more than 300 words in English) by 15 June 1996.
For further information, please contact:
IEC Moscow
PO Box 4
125057 Moscow
Tel. +7-095-1573039; Fax +7-095-1228784
Up to date information about all ONLINE EDUCA events may be found on the World Wide Web at: