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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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Cooperative information systems

An international conference on "Cooperative information systems", CoopIS, will be held in Brussels, Belgium, on 19-21 June 1996. It is organized by the International Foundation on Cooperative Information Systems, and sponsored by the IDOMENEUS project.

The IDOMENEUS project (...

19 June 1996 - 19 June 1996
An international conference on "Cooperative information systems", CoopIS, will be held in Brussels, Belgium, on 19-21 June 1996. It is organized by the International Foundation on Cooperative Information Systems, and sponsored by the IDOMENEUS project.

The IDOMENEUS project (information and data on open media for networks of users) aims to develop next-generation information environments. It is part of the ESPRIT programme in the field of information technologies.

The conference will include both technical sessions and a session on industrial considerations. The topics covered will encompass many areas of information systems, including software and distributed components, interoperability, and the challenges and problems of the global computing revolution.

In addition, there will be four half-day tutorials, covering the following subjects:

- Standards for database interoperability and portability;
- From legacy to cooperative information systems;
- Architectural issues in cooperative information systems;
- Data-mining techniques.
For further information, please contact:

Mrs. Kathleen DeSmyter/Dr. Jef Wijsen
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Campus Etterbeek
Pleinlaan 2
B-1050 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-6293819/6293487
E-mail: or E-mail:

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