ACTS Mobile Communications Summit '96
This first edition of what is intended to be an annual event, is jointly sponsored by the European Commission (DG XIII), Telefonica I+D, and Telefonica Moviles. It is supported by the ACTS (specific RTD programme in the area of advanced communications technologies and services) projects in the "Mobility, personal and wireless communications" domain.
It is hoped that the ACTS Mobile Communications Summits will help pave the way for the future development of the mobile telecommunications sector and provide a major forum for the dissemination of the results of European and other research initiatives towards "Third Generation Mobile Communication Systems".
For further information, please contact:
Telefonica I+D
José Luis de Miguel
Calle Emilio Vargas 6
E-28043 Madrid
Tel. +34-1-3374698; Fax +34-1-3374402
Information is also available on the World Wide Web at: