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Contenido archivado el 2023-03-27

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Specific multiannual research and development programme (EEC) of statistical expert systems (DOSES), 1989-1992

Part of the Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (1987-1991) under subactivity 8.3: "Forecasting and Assessment".
To make more effective use of statistical information and improve the efficiency of its production, using advanced data processing techniques, with a view to the development of Community-wide statistical systems.
Two areas:

- Coordinated actions:
Coordination of existing work to support statistical activities in Member States:
. Finding common approaches to shared problems;
. Solving problems requiring resolution for reasons of harmonization;

- Shared-cost actions:
. Vertical study: Preparation of a complete system for automated information processing, from collection to dissemination, in a specific field (as a prototype for work in other fields);
. Documentation of data and statistical methods;
. Access to statistical information;
. Forecasting.
The Commission, assisted by a consultative committee composed of representatives of the Member States and chaired by the Commission representative, is responsible for implementing the programme.

Coordination contracts are awarded by means of restricted invitations to tender. Shared-cost contracts are awarded by means of public invitations to tender directed at research organizations, enterprises, and other organizations established in the Community. The Community may bear up to 50% of total expenditure or, where universities and research institutes are involved, up to 100% of the marginal costs.

Contracts must involve at least two independent partners from at least two Member States. At least two of the participants must be major producers or users of statistical data.
The Commission may negotiate agreements for the full or partial integration into the programme of non-EC European countries and international organizations, in particular the OECD and its member countries and countries cooperating in COST, and with countries which have concluded framework agreements for scientific and technical cooperation with the Community.
Organizations and enterprises of non-EC European countries with which the European Economic Community has concluded framework agreements for scientific and technical cooperation may participate in programme activities.

Consultation with potential users of the results of the programme are maintained by direct contact, via the DOSES committee and, at intervals, by means of seminars. Publication and other forms of dissemination of results is undertaken by the Commission but researchers are also encouraged to make results known as widely as possible.

During the second year of implementation, the Commission is to review the programme and submit a report to the European Parliament and the Council. A final evaluation of the results will also be submitted.