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Community programme (EEC) in the field of strategic analysis, forecasting and evaluation in matters of research and technology (MONITOR) - Strategic and impact analysis (SAST) -, 1989-1993

Part of the second Framework programme for research and technological development (1987-1991) under subactivity 8.3: "Forecasting and assessment and other back-up measures, including statistics", SAST is one of the three components of the MONITOR programme, along with SPEAR (Support Programme for the Evaluation of Activities in the field of Research) and FAST III (Forecasting and Assessment in Science and Technology).

SAST's role is to assess and clarify the orientations being considered or presented as being of vital importance to the Community in the field of Science and Technology. It is concerned, in the context of a particular problem, with identifying the options existing and formulating precise recommendations for action to be taken. From this perspective, SAST examines each question raised from four different angles: the constraints and opportunities of a scientific and technical nature, the social and economic context and implications, the different Community policies involved, and the opinions of the parties concerned.

The subjects of SAST analyses can be drawn from almost any field or subfield within the entire spectrum of sciences and technologies. Some studies concentrate on the economic benefits to be derived by industry, while others endeavour to cover broader social considerations such as impact on quality of life, disparities among countries of the Community, health and the environment.

The choice of subjects is made on the basis of an extensive consultation of the potential clients/beneficiaries of the SAST work: Community R&D programme managers, services of the Commission with general interest in S/T developments, Community or national committees associated with European science and technology. Among the various concerns or demands expressed, a selection of topics is made in consultation with the MONITOR programme Committee. The choice of priorities is primarily governed by Community needs and by the relevance of the subject matter for European cooperation in science and technology.
To show the options available to the Commission's science and technology policy and interactions with other policies as well as the way in which the different actors concerned (industrialists, certain local public authorities, Member and non-Member States, social groups, etc.) situate themselves with regard to the options.
Three main activities:

- Preparation of reports on the prospects for development and the strengths and weaknesses of the European Community, a group of countries in the Community, particularly with respect to R&D structures, a high technology sector, a scientific field or in relation to important changes in other countries' science and technology policies, particularly those outside the Community;
- Carrying out of technology assessments into the state of development of a technology and its future evolution, constraints to innovation, industrial and socio-economic impact within the Community (by sector, region, etc.), requirements in terms of R&D and investment financing, etc.;
- Preparation of reports of strategic analyses (strategic dossiers) shedding light, for a given problem, on alternatives open to the European Community and proposing precise orientations for action.
The Commission, assisted by an Advisory Committee composed of the representatives of the Member States and chaired by the representative of the Commission, is responsible for implementing the programme.

SAST activities are implemented, inter alia, through the involvement of research centres or research teams from Community countries specializing in strategic and impact analyses, and by organizing workshops, seminars, etc. In addition, provision is made for the secondment of visiting scientists from national institutions and governments to take part in various activities and for the dissemination of knowledge and results obtained through research publications, policy notes, the organization of national "MONITOR days" and other publicity activities.

The activities are implemented chiefly by means of contracts for studies and services to be carried out on behalf of the Commission. As a general rule, where appropriate, contracts are awarded on the basis of calls for proposals or for tenders (restricted or public) published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. The Community's financial contribution may cover up to 100% of the expenditure involved. The contracts entered into by the Commission regulate the rights and obligations of each party, including the methods of disseminating, protecting and exploiting the research results.

The Commission is authorized to negotiate agreements with non-Member States and international organizations, with a view to associating them wholly or partly with the programme. This applies in particular to those countries participating in European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research (COST) and to those which have concluded framework agreements for scientific and technical cooperation with the Community. Where such framework agreements exist, organizations and enterprises established in those countries may, on the basis of mutual advantage, become partners in a project undertaken within the programme.

During the third year of implementation, the Commission is required to review the programme and to submit a report to the European Parliament and the Council. It must also submit to these same bodies a final evaluation of the results achieved when the programme is completed.