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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Networks of Dissent: Computational Modelling of Dissident and Inquisitorial Cultures in Medieval Europe

Descripción del proyecto

Descubrir los detalles sobre la historia medieval europea

La historia medieval europea presenta una amplia riqueza de culturas religiosas e inquisitoriales. Comprender estas culturas nos ayudará a conocer mejor la manera en que se formó la cultura europea a lo largo de los siglos. Habitualmente, la historia de estas culturas se cuenta a través de casos prácticos y el análisis sociohistórico a menudo puede omitir detalles importantes. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos DISSINET busca proporcionar unos conocimientos sin precedentes sobre las culturas inquisitoriales y religiosas disidentes de la Europa medieval. Para ello se realizará un análisis computacional detallado de la manera en que se formaron y registraron estas culturas. El objetivo es descubrir detalles ocultos sobre la manera en que la interacción humana puede dar forma a un entorno social más amplio y arrojar luz sobre el pasado medieval europeo.


The DISSINET project will provide an unprecedented, “networked” understanding of dissident religious and inquisitorial cultures in medieval Europe through a vast computational analysis of the social, spatial, and textual relationships by which they were formed and recorded. Rather than treating these cultures through narrative case-study or traditional social-historical analysis, our approach will build upwards from the microscopic details of human interactivity towards a broader social picture. Historiographical impressions of the social grounding and spread of religious dissidence, the specifics of dissident cultures as well as their shared characteristics, and the confrontation between inquisitors and suspects will thus be challenged from a previously inaccessible perspective. To achieve this goal, we will manually collect data on every aspect of dissident and inquisitorial interactivity from inquisition records that cover thousands of individuals from the 13th to the 16th centuries. The resulting database will be large-scale and yet retain every nuance of our sources. Our data model will allow us to employ cutting-edge computational techniques, well-adapted to uncover hitherto undetected and historically significant patterns: these methods will include social network analysis, geographic information science, and computational text analysis. In its broader implications, the project will open up a significant new dimension in the conversation between history and the social sciences. It will offer the former a novel approach to challenging historical material, and the latter pre-modern perspectives on the bottom-up emergence of larger social phenomena such as covert networks, repression, and shared religious culture. Finally, DISSINET will make a significant contribution to the digital humanities, providing a powerful digital toolkit for research into multifaceted human phenomena that retains and makes use of the complexities of textual sources.

Régimen de financiación

ERC-COG - Consolidator Grant

Institución de acogida

Masarykova univerzita
Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 991 868,00
Zerotinovo namesti 9
601 77 Brno

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Česko Jihovýchod Jihomoravský kraj
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 1 991 868,00

Beneficiarios (1)