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SUPERinductance for hardware-PROTECTED superconducting qubits

Descripción del proyecto

Un enfoque optimizado de corrección de errores cuánticos impulsa la computación cuántica

La coherencia cuántica, o la superposición de estados cuánticos que suelen durar tan solo una fracción de segundo, permite crear dos ondas cuánticas que interfieren de forma coherente entre sí. Este fenómeno constituye la base de la computación cuántica, por lo que los científicos han desarrollado técnicas de corrección de errores cuánticos a fin de proteger la información cuántica de los errores debidos a la descoherencia. Las tecnologías actuales consumen muchos recursos y supondrán una limitación a la ampliación para aplicaciones de nueva generación y uso generalizado. En el proyecto SuperProtected, financiado con fondos europeos, se desarrollará una tecnología que podría centuplicar el tiempo de coherencia y simplificar sustancialmente los requisitos de «hardware».


The quantum computer dream is driven by promises of unprecedented capabilities but is also facing a stark reality: quantum coherence is as powerful as it is difficult to protect. Quantum Error Correction (QEC) aims to extend coherence using redundancies but leads to solutions that are extremely resource-intensive: at present, protecting one bit of information requires at least ten thousand physical qubits. The main objective of this proposal is to engineer a new type of superconducting qubit, which will be intrinsically protected against de-coherence. Instead of matching the qubit states to the number of Cooper pairs or flux quanta of a given circuit, as is usually done, SuperProtected will exploit a completely new encoding scheme: quantum information will be stored as the parity of the number of Cooper pairs. This will be achieved by building a circuit component where charge transport occurs as pairs of Cooper pairs (4e-tunneling) while the standard single pair transport (2e-tunneling), or Josephson current, is reduced to zero. This new paradigm implies inductances with unprecedented value (10μH), also known as superinductances. The novel approach builds on two technological steps: a new high-kinetic inductance superconductor (InOx) and suspended silicon membranes. Improvement of the coherence time over current state-of-the-art is expected to be two orders of magnitude. The proposed qubits offer another major advantage: protected gates can be implemented using a simple modification of the architecture. The resulting protected qubit will extend the frontiers of the current knowledge in QEC and bring down the hardware requirements for a logical qubit by several orders of magnitude. Such a result would considerably change the quantum computing landscape.

Régimen de financiación

ERC-COG - Consolidator Grant

Institución de acogida

Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 2 132 595,00
75794 Paris

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Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 2 132 595,00

Beneficiarios (1)