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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Post-Quantum Lattice-Based Zero-Knowledge

Descripción del proyecto

Protocolos criptográficos robustos para hacer frente a los ataques cuánticos

En criptografía, una prueba de conocimiento cero es un protocolo en el que una parte (el probador) confirma a otra parte (el verificador) que una declaración es cierta, sin transmitir ninguna información adicional. El equipo del proyecto PLAZA, financiado con fondos europeos, tiene por objeto crear pruebas prácticas de conocimiento cero que puedan resistir ataques cuánticos. El proyecto utilizará problemas de retículas complejos, que son un conjunto muy prometedor de supuestos que pueden aprovecharse para crear los esquemas de codificación y firma digital más eficaces y resistentes a ataques cuánticos. El reto consistirá en crear esquemas más complejos, aunque prácticos, basados en retículas y construir pruebas de conocimiento cero más eficaces.


The world is on a seemingly irreversible path towards a more privacy-oriented and decentralized mode of
storing and operating on data. A lot of this transformation is being enabled by advanced cryptography that’s
designed to cut out the need for trusted third parties that we rely on today. The effect of this transformation
is a more secure and, at the same time, a more efficient way of interaction in which the manual checks and
audits are instead embedded into the cryptographic protocols themselves. Another technological development
that’s on the horizon is a general-purpose quantum computer, whose utility comes from the fact that it will
be able to solve some problems considerably faster than a classical computer. Because of the multitude of
its positive scientific applications, building such a computer is being vigorously pursued by governments and
private companies. The main negative consequence of quantum computing is that it breaks most of the
cryptography that’s crucial to the privacy transformation.

The main ingredient of privacy-centric cryptography is a zero-knowledge proof for showing knowledge
of an x satisfying f(x) = y without revealing anything else about x. The most compact zero-knowledge
proofs currently rely on the hardness of various mathematical assumptions which are no longer difficult in
the presence of quantum computers. The central objective of the PLAZA project will be to create practical
zero-knowledge proofs that can withstand quantum attacks by basing them on the hardness of lattice problems.
Lattice problems are a very promising set of assumptions upon which to base cryptography and they
are currently being used to create the most efficient quantum-resistant encryption and signature schemes.
Creating more complex, but still practical, lattice-based schemes has so far proved to be a major challenge
mostly due to the difficulty of constructing efficient zero-knowledge proofs – and this is the problem that the
project proposes to solve.

Régimen de financiación

ERC-COG - Consolidator Grant

Institución de acogida

Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 999 510,00
8803 Rueschlikon

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Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera Zürich Zürich
Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 1 999 510,00

Beneficiarios (1)