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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Key Inclusive Development Strategies for LifeLongLearning

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - KIDS4ALLL (Key Inclusive Development Strategies for LifeLongLearning)

Période du rapport: 2021-04-01 au 2022-03-31

KIDS4ALLL aims to implement a pilot action that will experiment a learning method and learning environment in formal, non-formal and informal educational contexts to address the integration challenges of migrant children. The KIDS4ALLL learning method draws on (1) knowledge acquisition (2) skills training and (3) attitude transfer to convey lifelong learning competences as a whole within a collaborative and co-creative learning process. As a response to the educational needs of children, in particular of migrant children, and of educators as pathfinders for continuous lifelong and lifewide learning, the project is grounded on three Key Inclusive Development Strategies (KIDS) towards LifeLongLearning (LLL), which represent the specific objectives of the project: 1) Fostering acquisition, maintenance and cultivation of competences related to the 8 LLL key areas; 2) Enhancing the methodological competences of educators towards inclusive and participatory teaching, training and intercultural dialogue; 3) Testing the concept of peer-to-peer learning in the form of buddyship collaboration (guided pairing of learners) with the lifelong and lifewide dimensions of learning. The learning method will be corroborated by the online and offline instruments that represent the KIDS4ALLL learning environment. The KIDS4ALLL project team envisages implementation of the pilot action in formal, non-formal and informal institutions in 8 countries all chosen because of their specific and variegated migration and educational contexts, and reaching approximately 1000 members of the principal target groups defined by the project.
M1_M6 (April – September 2021):

Task 1.1 Consortium coordination (M1-36; lead: UNITO).
Task 1.2 Legal, Contractual, Administrative and Financial management (M1-36; lead: UNITO).
Task 1.3 Internal communication incl. collaboration infrastructure (M1-36; lead: UNITO).
Task 1.4 Technical Management (M1-36; lead: UNITO).
Task 1.5 Quality assurance and performance monitoring (M1-36; lead: UNITO).
Task 2.2 Data collection on meso level / institutional (M3-4; lead: UniPd).
Task 2.3 Data collection on micro level / individual (M4-5; lead: UniPd).
Task 2.4 Discussion of benchmark analysis and best practice maps - WP2 Consortium meeting (M6: lead: UniPd).
Task 8.1 Development and implementation of multi-channel communication activities (M1-36; lead: SIRIUS).
Task 8.2 Development and implementation of dissemination activities (M1-36; lead: SIRIUS).
Task 9.1 Appointment of Ethics Board (M3; lead: UniTo)
Task 9.4 Provision of templates of the informed consent/assent forms and information sheets (M2; lead: UniTo)
Task 9.5 Opinions/approvals by ethics committees and/or competent authorities for the research with humans (M3; lead: UniTo)
Task 9.6 Appointment of Data Protection Officer (DPO) (M1; lead: UniTo)

M7_M12 (October 2021 – March 2022):

Task 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 (cf. M1-M6)
Task 2.5 - 1st Monitoring of National Stakeholder Group (NSG) meeting in the partner countries (M7-8; lead: UniPd).
Task 3.1 Elaboration of guidelines for setting up the Learning environment (M6-8; lead: UniJena).
Task 3.2 Content development for the know.what learning area, addressing children/students (TG1)
Task 3.3 Content development for the know.what learning area, addressing educators (TG2)
Proceeded parallely. (M8-11; lead: UniJena).
Task 3.4 Development of contents for the training area, addressing children/students (TG1)
Task 3.5 Development of contents for the training area, addressing educators (TG2)
Proceeded parallely. (M10-13; lead: UniJena).
Task 4.1 Design of the learning platform (M11-13; lead: Ars Media).
Task 8.1 8.2 (cf. M1-M6)
Task 8.3 Elaboration and implementation of sustainability actions (M6-36; lead: SIRIUS)
Task 9.2 Report by the Ethics Board – R1 (M12; lead: UniTo)
Progress beyond the state of the art:

The KIDS4ALLL initiative has been projected in a pre-pandemic phase and was based on according data. The necessity to promote lifelong learning, to enhance methodological competences of educational staff and to stimulate a dialogue between students, parents and educational institutions has been further hampered by the scenario created by the global health situation, and in particular for migrant students and families. Building on this premise, the project adopted a bottom-up approach to cope with the crucially altered situation for research and innovation of competence-building strategies. Accordingly, the project team developed activities in WP2, that focused on the construction of a user profile for the envisaged learning platform, with particular attention to learners acting, studying and working in rather disadvantaged and challenged educational contexts. Other than this, the project added several additional activities that had not been foreseen in the project to 1) strengthen the collaboration between research and practitioners working “in the field” on a daily basis; 2) foster the dialogue between educational key personnel on a cross-national level; 3) raise awareness on the importance of educational inclusion in disadvantaged settings; 4) foster extensive internal staff training to transmit knowledge on the 8 LLL competences, social impact and data protection.

Expected results until the end of the project:

The expected overall end result of the KIDS4ALLL project is the testing and introduction of a 3-phase learning method built on targeted peer collaboration between learners that puts individual knowledge and competence stocks in the centre of the learning process and valorises them accordingly for mutual skills transmission.
The KIDS4ALLL project team is continuously taking into account socio-political conditions and emergencies, such as the recent situation in Ukraine, for which the consortium has decided to dedicate a certain amount of funding to additional translations of learning material into Ukrainian language.
In the same vein, all expected end results will constantly be refined and monitored under consideration of particular needs and wants caused by the overall European (and non) socio-political and economic situation.
Potential impacts (including the socio-economic impact and the wider societal implications of the project so far)

KIDS4ALLL is presumed to have an effect on different levels:

Firstly, on cultural and societal level it aims to improve social cohesion inside and outside schools supporting collaboration between migrant and non-migrant children, their parents and different educational environments.
Secondly, on policy level, it aims to provide policy recommendations on how to address challenges to the integration of migrant children into various educational contexts at national and European levels.
Thirdly, on scientific level it strives to disseminate and assess innovative pedagogical learning methods and tools to the scientific and policy community.
Fourthly, on educational level it has been projected to introduce findings in (non)formal learning contexts and to inform ministries in order to facilitate new training activities and contents for teachers and educators.
Finally, on economic level, it is likely to suggest measures and strategies that are presumed to have beneficial effects on the different target groups in reducing costs for using migrant-services.
KIDS4ALLL - Children are our future, education is theirs
KIDS4ALLL methodology _ learning platform