Periodic Reporting for period 2 - TIME4CS (Supporting sustainable Institutional Changes to promote Citizen Science in Science and Technology)
Período documentado: 2022-07-01 hasta 2023-12-31
In this wide context, TIME4CS aimed at facilitating a way in which the scientific ecosystem could better take societal views into consideration by supporting Research Performing Organizations (RPOs) in defining and implementing sustainable institutional changes that can lead to a better and more effective engagement of citizens in research and innovation. To facilitate this process, TIME4CS has identified 4 Intervention Areas (IAs) that alone or combined can stimulate the institutional changes necessary to promote public engagement and Citizen Science in R&I activities. The 4 IAs are: Research, Education and Awareness, Support resources and Infrastructure, Policy and Assessment. For each IA, the TIME4CS consortium has identified a preliminary set of Grounding Actions (GAs), i.e. concrete actions that are recommended to undertake to achieve institutional changes. 3 TIME4CS RPOs with experience in the field (Front-Runners), interacted with and mentor 4 RPOs willing to face the challenge of introducing CS in their structures. These organizations (Implementers), developed tailored roadmaps including a specific set of GAs to carry out, benefitting of the constant support of Front-Runners in the framework of a mutual learning and knowledge exchange tailored programme.
Within this guiding framework, the specific objectives of the project resulted as follow:
• To increase knowledge on the actions leading to Institutional Changes in RPOs;
• To support partner RPOs implementing concrete actions that will in turn lead to Institutional Changes;
• To build an overall community of relevant stakeholders in the field of CS, through specific engagement actions;
• To give new value to the need for a new, flexible governance systems within RPOs, raising awareness about it.
TIME4CS project comes to a conclusion with a comprehensive set of new knowledge, recommendations, tools and resources which, on one hand contributed accomplishing the project’s specific objectives and kicking off the Implementers’ journeys towards their long-term institutional change, and on the other hand represents a valuable legacy for the community, RPOs all around the world willing to implement CS methodology, future projects and initiatives.
In addition to a solid knowledge base framework, which was established in the early phases of the project, tangible support was given to TIME4CS RPOs in the implementation of a wide range of actions leading to institutional changes. The Knowledge Sharing and Mutual Learning plan, and the Mentoring Programme proved to be extremely effective in this sense, with all the related events, workshops and visits developed hand-in-hand with the tailoring of the Institutional Roadmaps for implementing organisations. Nonetheless, a dynamic and solid community was also established and continuously consolidated, with the engagement of both implementing organisations’ stakeholders, and external ones.
Overall, TIME4CS implementation represented a success story of an impactful, well-executed EU-funded project, and although there is still much to do to address the challenges of RRI, many things have been done already, and a substantial portion of the process has been put in place, with the four implementing organisation being the living proof of this.
• For the definition of a complete and up-to-date picture built upon the identification, mapping, monitoring and analysis of ongoing practices: analysis of 38 cases of institutional adoption and maintenance of CS and OS collected from the literature; 1 TIME4CS online repository for case studies established, used by 1864 people with 3300+ page view in total
• In addition to the 19 GAs covering the four Intervention Areas identified in the initial version of the Roadmaps, 9 new Gas were added by the Implementers, plus 12 new ones were identified for the post-project period
• The whole process was supported by the knowledge transfer and mutual learning activities with Front-Runners and among Implementers: 39 events in total; 12 co-creation workshops actively involved 80+ people; training activities held, including Train-The-Trainer workshops, workshops at Implementers, workshops at Aarhus University, online webinars, actively mobilised around 600 people
• For building an inclusive community: the CS Helix currently engages 820+ users from 253 organisations and 51 countries; TIME4CS website accumulated around 16k visits since its launch; TIME4CS social media gathered 1200+ followers
• 1 Zenodo community to publicly share relevant resources: 5000+ views and 3500+ downloads in total; 1 Reflection Tool (1000 views and 700+ downloads); 1 TIME4CS statement with key recommendations to research institutions on the adoption of Citizen Science (390+ views, 230+ downloads)