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Descripción del proyecto

Tecnologías de conversión electroquímica basadas en materiales cerámicos de protones

El objetivo del proyecto WINNER, financiado con fondos europeos, es crear una plataforma tecnológica innovadora para el almacenamiento, la conversión y el uso de energía de forma flexible, segura y rentable. El objetivo es desarrollar un módulo multitubular flexible basado en celdas cerámicas conductoras de protones que funcionan con diferentes modos de operación (por ejemplo, pilas de combustible, electrolizadores reversibles, bombas de hidrógeno), que demostrará un rendimiento sin precedentes en varias aplicaciones relevantes para la industria (producción de hidrógeno, craqueo de amoniaco, producción de etileno, electrólisis). Las actividades que se llevarán a cabo incluyen el desarrollo de arquitecturas de celdas avanzadas, electrodos multifuncionales y un sistema de recolección sin presión basado en rutas de fabricación escalables y ecológicas. El proyecto se basará en la experiencia multidisciplinaria de colaboradores de renombre mundial en los ámbitos de la ciencia de materiales, los materiales cerámicos conductores de protones, el modelado multiescala y los métodos avanzados de caracterización de materiales funcional e «in situ».


The WINNER project will develop an efficient and durable technology platform based on electrochemical proton conducting ceramic (PCC) cells designed for unlocking a path towards commercially viable production, extraction, purification and compression of hydrogen at small to medium scale. This will be demonstrated in WINNER in three applications: ammonia cracking, dehydrogenation of hydrocarbons, and reversible steam electrolysis. By such, WINNER will create innovative solutions for flexible, secure and profitable storage and utilization of energy in the form of hydrogen and green ammonia, electrification of the chemical industry and sectors coupling. The WINNER project builds on the pioneering multidisciplinary expertise of world leading partners in the fields of proton conducting ceramic (PCC) materials and technologies to combine materials science, multi-scale multi-physics modelling and advanced in-situ and operando characterisation methods to unveil unprecedent performance of tubular PCC cells assembled in a flexible multi-tube module operating at industrially relevant conditions. WINNER will develop innovative cell architectures with multifunctional electrodes and a novel pressure-less current collection system using eco-friendly and scalable manufacturing routes. These activities will be steered by a novel multi-scale multi-physics modelling platform and enhanced experimentation methodologies. These tools combined with advanced operando and in situ methods will serve at establishing correlations between performance and degradation mechanisms associated with both materials properties and interface's evolution upon operation. Testing of cells and modules will also be conducted to define performance and durability in various operation modes. Techno-economic assessment of the novel PCC processes will be conducted as well as Life Cycle Assessment. The project is coordinated by SINTEF with support from UiO, CSIC, DTU, SMT, CTMS, ENGIE, Shell.

Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 734 841,25
7034 Trondheim

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Norge Trøndelag Trøndelag
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 734 841,25

Participantes (7)