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Hydrogen Storage In European Subsurface

Description du projet

Stockage souterrain d’hydrogène pur: développement technique et aperçu du marché

Lorsqu’il est associé à un stockage souterrain à grande échelle dans des aquifères, des gisements épuisés ou des cavernes de sel, l’hydrogène renouvelable permet d’équilibrer les variations de la production d’énergie renouvelable. Alors qu’on pratique le stockage d’hydrogène pur dans des cavernes de sel depuis les années 1970 en Europe, cela n’a encore jamais été réalisé dans un gisement épuisé ou un aquifère, ni en Europe ni ailleurs. Le projet HyStorIES, financé par l’UE, proposera des développements techniques applicables à un large éventail d’aquifères ou de gisements épuisés, et fournira des informations concernant le stockage souterrain de l’hydrogène aux décideurs gouvernementaux et industriels.


Renewable hydrogen combined with large scale underground storage enables transportation of energy through time, balancing out the impacts of variable renewable energy production. While storing pure hydrogen in salt caverns has been practiced since the 70s in Europe, it has never been carried out anywhere in depleted fields or aquifers.

Technical developments are needed to validate these two solutions. As subsurface technical feasibility studies for a future hydrogen storage in depleted field or aquifer will be site-specific, as for other geology related activities, HyStories will provide developments applicable to a wide range of possible future sites: the addition of H2-storage relevant characteristics in reservoir databases at European scale; reservoir and geochemical modelling for cases representative of European subsurface, and tests of this representativeness by comparing it with results obtained with real storage sites models; and lastly an extensive sampling and microbiological lab experiment programme to cover a variety of possible conditions.

Complementarily, techno-economic feasibility studies will provide insights into underground hydrogen storage for decision makers in government and industry. Modelling of the European energy system will first define the demand for hydrogen storage. Environmental and Societal impact studies will be developed. For a given location and hydrogen storage demand, a high-level cost assessment for development of each of the competing geological storage options at that location will be estimated, and the sites will be ranked based on techno-economic criteria developed within the project. Finally, several case studies will enable consideration of the implementation of potential projects, notably by considering their economic interest.

This will provide substantial insight into the suitability for implementing such storage across EU and enable the proposition of an implementation plan.

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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 008 991,25
92569 Rueil-Malmaison

Voir sur la carte


L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Hauts-de-Seine
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 1 008 991,25

Participants (24)